Happy International Women's Day from the Dogwoof Team!

Happy International Women's Day from the Dogwoof team! We're proud to have such an amazing team of talented women. We sat down with our CEO, Anna Godas, to discuss equality, recruitment practices, and negotiating tips. Read the interview below, and have a great one!

As a CEO do you still get that voice in your head that says: "That wouldn't have happened/They wouldn't have said that...if I was a man." If so, how do you deal with it?

Yes, that happens sometimes (less so than in the earlier days). I tend to ignore it unless it's blatantly obvious; in that case I call them out but in a matter-of-fact way. I don't ever take it personally.

How important do you think it is to still have a Women's Day? Is it outdated or is it something we still need?

I think it's nice to celebrate women; we've come a long way. Women tend to downplay achievements so why not having a day to celebrate them?

Dogwoof has a lot of women, just look at the about page, was this an intentional thing, did you ever recruit on the basis of gender and what about the recruiting practices now?

I never thought about recruiting more women than men - it's happened organically. Regarding recruitment practices, I believe we are in a good place from a gender perspective. There is however a lot more work to be done regarding race, age, disability and diversity & inclusion in general.

You have two daughters; what's your influence on them regarding gender?

To them, being a woman entrepreneur is the most normal thing in the world because that's what they've always known. At the same time, I try to show them that spending time with them is way more important than spending time on the business. 
Equally, I don't want them to be gender biased. I'd like them to grow up strong, confident women, but as open minded, kind and respectful to men as they are to women.

Who is the woman you admire the most and why?

The woman I admire the most is my mother. She raised my brother and I on her own and set up her own business without having gone to school. 

Do you have a tip for negotiating for women, or anyone, you can share?

For everyone, really: listen first. Be honest, clear and kind. Keep the other party constantly informed. Have a clear "this will close the deal" position. And stick to it. An offer on the table is an offer on the table. Value it.