Host Your Own Screening of Mountain

As Mountains sky high success continues in cinemas we are delighted to announce that you can now host your very own screening with ourscreen. Revolutionising how you interact with your local cinema, ourscreen allows you to create a screening and if enough people book tickets with you the screening goes ahead. It's people powered cinema!  Find out more about ourscreen below. 

Mountain has wowed audiences and critics alike with its collaboration of awe-inspiring visuals of the world’s highest peaks, symphonic tones of the Australian Chamber Orchestra and the gravelly narration of Willem Dafoe. The breaktaking film is still playing across the country but If your cinema hasn’t played it yet or you missed its initial run, ourscreen is the perfect chance to catch this film on the big screen.

Take control of your cinema now and create your own screening of Mountain today! You can find ourscreen participating cinemas all across the UK so you can be sure to setup a screening near to you.