2 Dogwoof Docs make the Academy Awards Shortlist

As the year comes to an end, the Awards season draws ever closer. Last night, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the 15 titles that will advance in the voting process for the category of Best Documentary Feature. 126 pictures had originally qualified in the category, and the final 15 contains two of Dogwoof's own, The House I Live In and Chasing Ice.

The 15 films that have made the shortlist will be voted on by the Academy's Documentary Branch members in order to narrow the list down to the 5 titles which will receive Oscar nominations. The Academy Award nominations will be announced on 10 January 2013, and we have high hopes that our films will be among the documentary nominees. A full list of the 15 shortlisted titles can be found here

We are so proud to have The House I Live In and Chasing Ice mentioned among so many other fantastic documentaries from the past year. The inclusion of the Dogwoof films is a testament to the power and persuassion of both films as they consider the world around us and push audiences towards making a change. The House I Live In exposes the hyposcricy and damage caused by America's War on Drugs, whilst Chasing Ice provides stunning evidence of the alarming speed of climate change and mankind's responsibility to prevent further ecological damage. 

The House I Live In is already in cinemas, find your nearest screening here. Chasing Ice opens in UK and Irish cinemas on December 14th, and all information regarding screenings is on the film's website, and we're having a special preview Q&A panel on 11 December, tickets are still available to buy here.  

Looking at the list, many people have commented the notable ommisions; titles that were widely expected to make it onto the list but haven't. What are you disappointed not to see included on the documentary shortlist? Please tweet us with your choice of the year's overlooked documentaries, be they Dogwoof titles or otherwise.