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By entering the competition, you consent to having your name and email address stored for the purposes of the competition and for our weekly Dogwoof On Demand newsletter contact list. Details of all entrants will be deleted within 90 days of the competition closing date and winners' details will be retained for up to 12 months. You will be signed up to the Dogwoof On Demand newsletter in perpetuity unless you unsubscribe.

Terms & conditions

This competition closes Thursday 20 June at 5pm (BST). This competition is open to those living the UK and Ireland only. One entry per person. You must be over 18 and a subscribed member of the Dogwoof newsletter to enter the competition. Prizes will only be posted to locations in UK and Ireland. Winners must respond to the first email within 72 hours informing them of their win or else they forfeit their prize and another winner will be selected.